The Year Of The Dragon: A Lucky Earthly Branch

year of the dragon

The Chinese Zodiac is divided into twelve sections, each with a different color for each quarter of the year. The Chinese term for the Chinese New Year is the New Year. The Dragon is usually the fifth of this 12-year pattern of celestial creatures that appear in the Chinese lunar calendar. The Chinese refer to this creature as the King Crab and say it represents the element of Water, which makes it the element of luck. The Year Of The Dragon also represents the first day of the new moon.


The Chinese New Year is celebrated with great joy and happiness on every anniversary, the first of which is that of the first year, which is the year of the dragon. The color of this Chinese Zodiac sign is green, so if you are born in this quarter you will likely be one of the strongest and most intelligent Chinese characters. The Chinese character "Chi" meaning water, and "Zi" meaning the wind. The Dragon is most often associated with strength and the wind being associated with wisdom.


Chinese New Year celebrates the ancient Chinese belief that all things come with a price. At the start of spring, the farmers reap the benefits of plowing and sowing the land and at the end of winter the people rejoice in the abundance of livestock they have reaped by trading in their old belongings for new. In the Dragon year, this cycle repeats over again. At this time, it is said that all the good things in life come with a price, as the people pray for safe and happy lives and the Dragon appears to deliver. For those who have encountered the dragon, there can be no doubts that he is extremely powerful being with many admirable characteristics.

The Year of the Dragon: A Lucky earthly Branch


So what do Chinese people believe about the dragon? It is widely held that the Chinese wish to be surrounded by the friendly and protective fire god of their ancient times and the dragon symbolizes this. Because the dragon is also regarded as the bringer of luck and fortune, he is also considered lucky. The Chinese believe that all evil and bad happenings are due to the interference of another force and the existence of the dragon brings harmony and balance to the universe and human kind. This explains why the Chinese love compatibility with the dragon and also consider him very lucky.


The Chinese view dragons as being extremely loyal and always willing to help people in any way they can. The Chinese zodiac signs are considered to be very close to the basic characteristics of a dragon. Thus, if you have a Chinese name, it will be quite obvious that you have this characteristic and your personality is closer to that of a dragon. Thus, the Dragon can be seen as a symbol of your close connection with your heritage and the deep respect you have for this ancient time in history. If you want to take risks and stay safe in the Asian culture, you should consider adding this Chinese symbol to your personal name or you can have it tattooed on your body.


Does your birthday fall in the year of the dragon? If so, you have some powerful luck coming your way. If the Chinese name of your birthday is also 'Yuan' or 'yu' (a variant of your full name), then it can mean luck and prosperity in your future life. If you name is 'Hua', it means good health while if you have 'Yi' it means good fortune. If you have an artist's name starting with 'K' and ending with 'N' it suggests that your career path will be determined by destiny and luck. However, when you have a name beginning with a consonant sound, like 'Chi', 'Kai', or 'Nan', this indicates that your aspiration and your strong desire to succeed in your chosen field are greatly admired by other people and is a great source of inspiration for you.


To determine your exact year of birth using a Chinese zodiac sign calculator is not difficult at all. All you need to do is choose the Chinese character you want to use as the name of your personal sign, put it into the search box and wait for the results. The birth sign of today is fast and convenient to find using online resources, but there are still a lot of options available for you to use if you prefer to have a paper copy. There are even some sites that offer a complete and convenient year of the dragon calendar along with helpful information on how to interpret it.


Some people born in the Year of the Dragon feel very fortunate to have such an auspicious sign. It offers them the opportunity to turn everything they do into a great experience. They may take this as a sign that things are going to come to an all-out finish and that nothing can stand in their way. In fact, this can actually be a very empowering feeling. With luck running rampant, you won't have any trouble getting everything you want in life.

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